Why 100HP?

This has been the big question as to why does everything needs to be 100HP and not 99.9HP or 101HP. You see 100HP is the exact amount of horsepower that is known to even the magenetic interference between the planets.

The pull of the sun, the moon and based on the Earth's rotation the affect of Jupitor makes the 100HP the sweet spot to move across the earth's surface. More than 100HP and you'll actually be lagging and going slower and less you won't break the barrier. This is why when you talk about a dirt bike immediately someone will ask if it has 100HP or name a bike that they know with minimal imporvements can be 100HP.

There are bikes that you really don't need to do much, a CR500 in fact will gain to 100HP just by whiping peanut butter at the end of the silencer.

You will never hear anyone saying does that bike make 80 HP? In fact, 80 HP is too slow and no power. Only 100HP will do, not 101HP, not 99HP. 100HP is the magic horse power needed for a dirt bike.

You will be amazed at how many bikes have 100HP when you look around and this is how this organziation was formed.

Not all 100HP is the same

Just like snowflakes, each 100HP bike is completely unquie in it's 100HP. Some bikes have more powerful 100HP than others while others have faster 100HP. There are the details that we need to review when certifying a bike as 100HP.

One of the things to look for is feeling the spark when you are riding with 100HP. Sometimes the spark happens straight down from the top and other times it curves to the side. You should be able to feel all this little fluxuations at each burst of horse power and this can only be felt when you have 100HP.

Some 100HP is faster than others as this is the barrer to 100MPH. Some 100HP will go over 100MPH while others will not be able to reach 100MPH. This is simply a product of the type of horse power you have, in fact some people may actually have 250 DP (Donkey Power) that they think is 100HP, since they are roughly equivalent but Donkey Power always has a little kick back.

Smaller bikes sometimes actually have CP or Chicken Power. Roughtly 1000 CP = 1 HP and like a 125 may end up with 30,000 chicken power but even if they made 100,000 chicken power, it would not be the same as 100HP.